You thought you know all versions of this song? You reckoned there is no artist on earth who could perform this tune as if you had never heard it before? Listen to this fabulous version by Gladys McFadden and the Loving Sisters, from 1969 ...
In the September 2, 1967, issue of Billboard, »Lucky In Love« was predicted to reach the Hot 100. Alas, the reviewer was wrong and the song didn't chart eventually. Anyway, my favorite tune of this 45 is the B side. Enjoy!
The only 45 by Fontella Bass to get both sides into the charts. On the other hand, »I Surrender« was the last of Fontella's songs ever to enter the Hot 100.
The A side entered the Hot 100 on March 26, 1966, at #84 and peaked in May at #78. Strong airplay was reported from Detroit, St. Louis and Los Angeles in April. The tune reached #33 in the R&B Top 40 in May 1966.
The B side entered the R&B Top 40 on April 23, 1966, peaking at #31.
45 years ago, Aretha Franklin was at the height of her success that had begun with her first Atlantic releases in 1967. And she wasn't alone in this because her sisters also shared the public attention.
From Billboard, August 10, 1968, p. 45
The August 8th, 1968, issue of DownBeat featured a lengthy piece on Lady Soul as well as an interview which to this day have remained two of the more interesting media items of the epoch regarding the career of Aretha Franklin. You can download the scan below.
I am interested in the music, not in the relative rarity of discs. I also listen with great pleasure to Aretha Franklin, because she has the voice of the century. Music is no Faith and therefore has no heretics.
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