Wednesday, January 25, 2012

(Set Your House In Order) I'm Telling You Why

mid-week gospel

As it is, I still don't know more about the Holmes Sisters than I did when I posted two of their songs in November (look up the post here). So I really can't tell you nothing new about this remarkable duo of singers. What I can confirm, with reasonable cer- tainty, is that one of their 45s, Nashboro # 796 (»By His Word« / »Set Your House In Order«) was released in November 1963 (Billboard lists the previous and following Nashboro releases between Oct. and Dec. '63). And this tells us, with little sagacity needed, that the songs were recorded sometime before, probably in summer '63 (Hayes-Laughton's Gospel Discography tentatively puts forward »c.1964« which is too late). They're just so heartwarming to listen to. Hope you feel the same.

Holmes Sisters: »Set Your House In Order« on Nashboro # 796B (1963):

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